Square Enix"s longest running franchise just welcomed the latest addition to the series as Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is now available in Japan. The popular RPG is beloved in the western world as well, so English-speaking fans will be thrilled to hear that the game will be getting an English localization and will become available in 2018 in the US market.
While there hasn"t been any additional information or further insight, the plan has already been laid out for the English translation and for four more languages which haven"t been disclosed officially as of yet. Yuji Horri, the famous lead designer of Dragon Quest published a video on the topic stating that the English localization has already begun!
Like most Square Enix titles, the Dragon Quest series features a lot of dialogs which means that the translation process will be quite time-consuming. As Horri states:
“There’s quite a lot of text, so it’s an exorbitant amount of work, but we’re doing our best and working hard to get this game to all of you as soon as possible, so I sincerely hope you look forward to the game.”
The latest addition in the 30-year old franchise launched yesterday for PS4 and 3DS in Japan and the Nintendo Switch version is also underway. Without the exact launch date of the English version announced, the eagerly anticipating fans will have to be a little patient.
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Source: Slashgear | Image Source: Square Enix via Technobuffalo