StatCounter: Chrome up, IE and Firefox drop

Stat Counter has published its monthly statistics report for the month of July and it shows that Chrome is gaining on its lead as the dominate browser on the market as IE and Firefox continue to decline. We should note that these results are the raw data and could be modified if Stat Counter finds any anomalies. Additionally, there is also a bit of discrepancies about how Stat Counter collects its data which could cause the results to reflect incorrectly on how the market is actually skewed. 

With the above information made clear, Chrome is expanding its gain on IE and Firefox as both of those platforms saw another month of decline in their usage. We can also see that IE9 is also being adopted at a rapid pace as it has blown past IE8 usage too. 

The browser marketplace is quite competative these days but we will have to wait until Net Applications publishes its results to see how these two services compare when it comes to browser marketshare. 

It will also be interesting to see how Windows 8 changes the landscape as the platform has two iterations of IE10 (desktop and metro modern UI?) that could help IE gain back some turf. Seeing as many have abondaonded IE, with Windows 8, they will get a fresh look at IE10 but will it be enough to keep them from downloading a new browser? Only time will tell.   

Source: Stat Counter

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