Steam continues to face intermittent issues amid further user complaints

Steam hasn"t had the easiest of times as of late. Just a few days ago Steam experienced one of its biggest user privacy debacles, in which users could see the information of other users, just by visiting its community websites and store, following a misconfiguration with its caching systems.

Shortly before the caching problems arose, Steam also faced an outage which prevented users from connecting to the service and instead being shown an error that it couldn"t connect to the Steam network.

It appears that, even after having several days to resolve the issues, Valve still continues to face intermittent issues with Steam. Users on the community forums for Steam are reporting numerous issues, from searching the store to receiving email verification tokens.

Steam user Tsal Vlaxitov posted on the Steam Community reporting issues with the in-built Steam Browser. Tsal complained of issues with receiving errors such as "no results found", "even when you"re not searching rather than just browsing through catagories [sic]".

Other issues on the service also continued to be reported. XploZ TV complained of being "disconnected everytime" that he tried to search for games. He continued by making a remark about the amount of money that Steam makes, in relation to the multiple issues recently, saying that "may be you need [sic] use your billions to make a better service".

On the same discussion thread, users Terrible and SirLootalot also reported problems, these included the Store only loading one page of sales before claiming that it cannot find anything, followed by other reports of the store not working as intended or refusing to load at all.

Valve has not yet commented on these fresh issues. It is clear that users are frustrated at the recent failings of Steam, with it dominating the PC gaming market.

Source: Kotaku | Image: Steam

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