Steam now has over 75 million accounts; Alienware to launch Steam Machine in September

Valve is currently holding its first ever Steam Dev Days conference in Seattle and while the event is not open to the public or the press, the company used the occasion to reveal some updated user numbers for its Steam game download service.

In an email press release, Valve announced that it now has over 75 million Steam accounts. In October, Valve said that Steam had over 65 million registered users, which means that the numbers went up by 10 million in just three months. Valve credited the boost in part to its Steam Holiday Sale in December, which saw its concurrent users go up to a peak of over 7.8 million users.

Valve also provided a geographic breakdown of where Steam"s revenue for 2013 came from, stating that 41 percent of the sales were based in North America, with another 40 percent coming from Western Europe. Valve also said that Russia and Brazil showed the biggest year-to-year revenue growth on Steam compared to other countries, "respectively increasing 128% and 75%." Valve has never revealed just how much revenue Steam generates.

In related news, Polygon reports that during the Steam Dev Days conference, Dell"s gaming PC division Alienware revealed that its Steam Machine, running on Valve"s SteamOS, would be out sometime in September. No other information on Alienware"s Steam Machine, including price or hardware specs, have been announced. It will be one of 14 third-party Steam Machines that are planned for release sometime in 2014.

Source: Valve email press release and Polygon | Image via Valve

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