Steve Jobs: Google's 'Don't Be Evil' motto is "bullshit"

Keeping in tradition with what happened after the release of the original iPhone, Steve Jobs held a meeting at the Town Hall in Cupertino following the release of the iPad, in order for employees to ask questions about the company and the new device. There has been much debate over the lack of Flash on the iPad, so as you"d expect, that was a strong talking point during the meeting, in addition to some less positive words about Apple"s current ally, Google.

According to Wired, the question was raised as to whether or not Google was a serious competitor in the phone business. Jobs noted that the company very much wants to kill the iPhone, but Apple will simply not let them. He continued with this by stating that Google"s "Don"t Be Evil" motto is "bullshit," which was met with a great amount of cheering from the employees. Jobs didn"t stop there with the negative feelings, however – he stated that Adobe is lazy, as it doesn"t support Flash due to it being rather buggy. Jobs believes that in the future, nobody will be using Flash, and instead stated that HTML5 will be come out on top. Apple is certainly doing its part to make this possible; the iPhone saw some criticism over the lack of Flash, and most recently, the launch of the iPad raised the issue once more. There has been a huge amount of debate over this lately, though too much to include in this article.

MacRumors has learned some rather interesting points from the meeting, in addition to Jobs" strong words; it was said that Apple will deliver "aggressive" updates to the iPhone platform that Google won"t be able to keep up with. In addition to this, the upcoming iPhone update is "A+", and the new Macs this year will bring Apple to the "next level."

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