Study: Nokia could help Windows Phone overtake iOS

Nokia"s re-entry into the smartphone market with its Lumia line of smartphones is powered, as most of you know, by Microsoft"s Windows Phone operating system. Now a new study by iSuppli claims that sales of Nokia"s phones could cause Windows Phone to overtake Apple and its iOS-iPhone devices by 2015.

The study says their predictions are due in part to the upcoming launch of the Lumia 900 smartphone. iSuppli states, "The Lumia 900’s flashy feature set, along with Nokia’s strategy for selling the product, shows that the company is targeting the North American region, a market that, even in the height of Nokia’s dominance, historically had been an Achilles’ heel for the company."

iSuppli believes the introduction of the Lumia 900 will help boost Windows Phone"s market share up to 9 percent in 2012, well above 2011"s 1.9 percent. By 2015, the study predicts that Windows Phone will capture the number two spot in the market with 16.7 percent, just ahead of the iOS"s predicted 16.6 percent.

The study does predict Google"s Android will be the number one smart phone operating system worldwide, increasing its market share from 47.4 percent in 2011 to 58.1 percent by 2015.

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