The Sysinternals Troubleshooting Utilities have been rolled up into a single Suite of tools. This file contains the individual troubleshooting tools and help files. It does not contain non-troubleshooting tools like the BSOD Screen Saver or NotMyFault. The Sysinternals Suite is a bundle of several Sysinternals Utilies like AccessChk, Autologon, Ctrl2Cap, DiskView, Disk Usage (DU), LogonSessions, PageDefrag, ProcessExplorer, PsLogList, PsPasswd, RegMon, RootkitRevealer, TCPView, VMMap, ZoomIt.
Don’t forget to check the Windows System Control Center (WSCC) a free, portable program that allows you to view, execute and organize the utilities from various system utility suites (Sysinternals included).
What"s new in this version:
- PsExec v2.0: PsExec, a popular utility for executing processes on remote systems, introduces a new option, -r, that specifies the name PsExec assigns to its remote service. This can improve performance when multiple users are interacting concurrently with a system, since each will have a dedicated PsExec service.
- RAMMap v1.3: RAMMap, a graphical utility that provides a comprehensive breakdown of physical memory usage by usage type and process, is updated to work on Windows 8.1.
- Sigcheck v2.0: This major update to Sigcheck, a command-line file version and digital signature verification utility, adds integration with the VirusTotal antivirus scanner aggregation service. Sigcheck can now check the status of a file against over 40 antivirus engines and launch the associated online VirusTotal report, and even upload files for scanning that have not already been scanned by VirusTotal. This release also reports the machine type of executable images, whether 16-, 32-, or 64-bit.
Download: Sysinternals Suite 2013.10.23 | 12.6 MB (Freeware)
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