Team Obama wants Microsoft to make a video game

President Obama was elected on the premise of change. However, I don"t think this is what voters had in mind. As per an article on USA Today, Kotaku points out that the Obama administration has been tasked with "finding ways to get the United State"s budget back out of the red." Erskine Bowles has been appointed to find the solution.

To make more Americans aware of the financial problems looming over the United States, Bowles is suggesting a video game. According to the USA Today article, Bowles is said to be in contact with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, about creating a "deficit-reduction video game." The goal of the game, which would be playable on the PC, would be to balance the budget of the United States.

Democratic Senator, Bob Kerrey, thinks that such a game could "go viral." While he may be right--the game could, potentially, be a hit, it doesn"t mean that it will help the country"s economic situation. The article goes on to mention that some analysts don"t think educating the voters is really enough to help.

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