Building a gaming PC can be time-consuming and stressful. There are a thousand things that could go wrong, and any one of them could wind up costing hundreds of dollars. And yet we do it anyway. Why? Because building PCs is totally awesome.
It"s usually a good idea to start out by setting a budget. Maybe you want to keep it under $800. Maybe under $1000. You"ll probably go and find some online PC builder"s guide that tells you just what parts to order so you can get the most bang for your buck.
Then, you"ll look at the graphics card you"re buying… and weigh it against the next better model… which, yes, costs like $100 more… but oh look it gets like 20 more fps in Far Cry... damn, let"s get the better one. And hey, that SSD is on sale… maybe we can get that, too…
Read: The 10 Best Things About Building a New Gaming PC
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