The privacy-oriented Telegram messenger has consistently been expanding its feature set over time, most recently delivering a few improvements to quizzes to make them more educational. Just before that, the team had released version 6.0, which brought chat folders and much more to the table. Today, Telegram version 6.2 is available, and it brings a few new capabilities to the photo and video editors.
The focus is on video, though, with a slew of updates that make it a pretty capable editor for a messaging app. You can now enhance videos before sending them, or customize specific parameters such as exposure, saturation, warmth, and more, all within the Telegram app. Additionally, you can zoom in on videos to draw on them more accurately, add stickers, and more. Basically, almost all the editing tools that were available for photos can now be used in videos.
Additionally, the photo editor itself is getting some improvements which also apply to the new video editor. It"s now possible to add animated stickers to any area of a video or photo to add a little extra flair. On photos, that means they will be sent as GIFs.
On that note, the GIF panel now has a Trending tab, plus a number of tabs based on emoji, so you can find GIFs that represent a certain emotion more easily. Additionally, GIFs in the GIF panel should now load faster.
Finally, there"s a handful of smaller improvements. After the addition of folders in version 6.0, it"s now possible to press and hold on a chat to send it to a specific folder, or to remove it from one. On Android specifically, the app now features new animations for sending, editing, and deleting messages, a new video player that hides the controls and captions more quickly, and voice messages play with new animations as well. The storage usage page in the app"s settings has also seen a facelift on Android.