The Team Fortress 2 blog has revealed that this weeks major release for the Mac platform will be the hugely popular Team Fortress 2.
Since its release in October 2007; Team Fortress 2 has had a huge following within the gaming community. When steam first announced they will be coming to the Mac platform, TF2 was the game that users wanted most. The game is regularly updated and takes regular notice to community feedback about the game; this is probably what gives it the continuing support it receives.
If you do not currently own a copy of Team Fortress 2 then Steam are charging $20 per copy, which works on both Windows and Mac platforms. You can also buy the Team Fortress Complete Package for $22.49 which comes with the multi-platform friendly Team Fortress 2 and the Windows only Team fortress Classic, It also comes in the Orange Box package.
Steam cloud features are also supported so any configuration files from your Windows copy (including custom sprays) should be transferred straight over to your Mac copy of the game, making play seamless across multiple computers.