Tiny11, no matter how tiny, couldn't slip past Microsoft's dead Internet Explorer

While many like how Windows 11 looks or feels, there are some who just want to cut out on what they feel is bloat as their hardware may not be good enough to run the new OS smoothly, or simply for the fun of it. Recently, a popular third-party Windows 11 tweaking and customization app called ThisIsWin11 (TIW11) evolved into Debloos or Debloat OS, which, as the name suggests, allows the de-bloating of the operating system.

If one isn"t comfortable going about tweaking things themselves with it, they could also opt for Tiny11, which was released a couple of weeks ago. This stripped-down Windows 11 Pro 22H2 mod requires 8GB of install space and 2GB of system memory.

Yesterday, the mod was released for ARM64 devices as well, however, the developer noted that something was blocking its installation, and as such a workaround was provided:

So apparently there is an issue with tiny11 for arm64 where it says that the installation cannot be completed on the system"s hardware. While I try fixing the problem, in the meantime you can hit shift+F10 and type msoobe, and it should bypass the error.

Upon further digging, the NTDEV, who has created Tiny11, noticed that it was Internet Explorer which was apparently blocking the installation of the mod, by causing issues for the Sysprep. Sysprep is the generalization of a Windows 11 installation image that allows it to install on different PCs by removing the system specific information.

The issue is now fixed! Apparently there was an issue with... Internet Explorer that caused the sysprep part ("getting ready") to fail. pic.twitter.com/4qvZO8Zmvg

— NTDEV @ntdev@mastodon.social (@NTDEV_) February 16, 2023

It is interesting as Internet Explorer, even though it"s dead now, blocked the installation of Tiny11 since some components of the browser are still alive deep down. The title of this article is for comedic purposes only and we do not accredit the blocking of Tiny11 since the mod isn"t known to be of malicious nature. While we don"t say it is a must-install replacement for Windows 11 as Tiny11, like any other mod, is a fun experiment to play around with and should be treated as such.

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