TopStyle Pro 3.0 Final

Thanks to Kris for the heads up on this release.

Let TopStyle Pro 3.0 help you move forward by tapping into the power of cascading style sheets (CSS) and XHTML. Written by Nick Bradbury, creator of HomeSite, TopStyle Pro contains powerful tools for building standards-compliant sites.

What"s New:

  • HTML and XHTML editing

  • New HTML Tidy integration

  • Editor Hyperlinking

  • Full Screen Preview

  • Clip Library - Store your favorite code snippets in a central location for reuse

  • File Explorer - Easily navigate your local files and network connections, and create links with simple drag-and-drop actions

  • CSE HTML Validator Pro Integration

News source: Bradsoft Homepage

Screenshot: >>Click Here

View: Purchase or upgrade to TopStyle Pro 3.0 ($79.95 or $24.95 for the upgrade)

Download: TopStyle Pro 2.5 Demo (2.52mb)

If you ordered TopStyle 2.51 on or after May 1, 2002, you"re eligible for a free upgrade to version 3.0

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