Tweetro hits 100k user limit, Windows 8 app removed from store

Looking at the big picture of the Internet, social networking has been around in some shape or form for decades. Instant Messaging clients, message boards and forums, and chat rooms provided the social aspect of the internet long before My Space, Bebo, Twitter and Facebook even existed. Twitter in the grand scheme of the internet is an old dog now, but the site has only been around since July 2006.

Twitter recently updated its terms of service, adding a 100,000 token cap on its third party developers Twitter clients. A token is effectively a user, so once the Twitter client in use hits 100,000 users, the application won’t work, either not connecting or authenticating the user.

Tweetro’s LazywormApps is the latest third party developer to fall victim to this limit. Now that they have reached the 100k mark, the Tweetro app has been removed from the Windows Store. Users are receiving a “cannot connect to service” error when trying to authenticate and the Tweetro devs say the app is “completely crippled” as a direct result. At the moment, LazywormApps is seeking to resolve the issue directly with Twitter and could be forced to release a paid app as a replacement if Twitter doesn’t loosen its policy.

When it first started, the reliance on third party developers to push Twitter via software clients was high. TweetDeck would have to be the most high profile example of one of the clients that was well received by the public, so much so that Twitter purchased TweetDeck in 2011 for around the $50 million mark.

In August, Twitter removed the “via” stamp from posts effectively removing the name of the client application posting tweets.

Source: Winsyde | Image courtesy of

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