Twitter has announced that it will be increasing the platform"s privacy and transparency settings starting this month; as an initial step it has launched its new, easier to read privacy policy, that gives users better control over their information. Twitter has helpfully added in hyperlinks into its privacy policy allowing users to easily jump to the parts of their account settings which they"d like to change.
Twitter’s Data Protections Officer, Damien Kieran, said:
“Woven throughout are direct links to your core privacy and security settings, which are accessible at any time when you are logged into Twitter. Here you can see what data Twitter has relating to your account and you can decide whether you want to share it or not. Over time, as we learn how people use these controls, we’ll continue to work to improve them and Twitter as a whole.”
The company said that its new privacy policy will come into force on the 25th of May in-line with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but that the new policy will apply globally, not just to users in the EU.
As time goes on, Twitter plans to learn about how people use various privacy controls and will work to improve them in order to give users more power of their data.
Source: Twitter