Twitter simplifies its logo

No longer will you see the text "twitter" along side the now famous bird logo that we all relate to the 140 character social networking site. Instead, Twitter has decided to simplify their logo by removing all text and representing their site through "a little blue bird."

Users will have perhaps already noticed the changes on the Twitter site: The logo at the top has been altered to accommodate the change in direction. Indeed, Twitter says the bird "will be the universally recognizable symbol of Twitter. (Twitter is the bird, the bird is Twitter.) There’s no longer a need for text, bubbled typefaces, or a lowercase “t” to represent Twitter."

For the graphic enthusiasts, Twitter"s updated logo is made up of three sets of overlapping circles, similar they say, to how people"s social networks interact with others. Some have noticed that the logo looks as though it"s been inspired from a comma or quotation mark, but the favourite has to be flipping it 90 degrees to the right to see something looking rather like batman.

The move comes as no surprise as the popularity of the site continues to grow and is a familiarity for most of the world"s population, whether they use it or not. Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and Katy Perry for example, all have over 21 million followers each.

Source: Twitter Blog

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