Twitter was hit with a Denial of Service (DoS) attack earlier today, causing the site to go down for about 2 hours.
Services were restored by 11:30 a.m. EST. A DoS attack is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. This is typically accomplished by continuously requesting information from the a site, until the sites network resources become too congested or busy to serve pages.
CNN reports that although services have been restored, the attack is still on going, and Twitter is actively working to defend and recover from the incident.
Numerous disruptions to Twitter services have occurred, including the Twitter Facebook application and Tweetdeck, causing many users to be in the dark for tweets and other related services from Twitter.
Spotty reports indicate some users are still experiencing slowness or are unable to connect to the site. Twitter users complained they felt disconnected from the news of the day during the outage.
Another spokesperson from Twitter stated they will keep the public apprised of any additional news regarding the attack.
A special thanks to Neowin member maash for contributing to this report