Just a little over a month after the first beta was released, Canonical has officially let loose the latest version of its popular Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu 10.04, also known as Lucid Lynx, has been a highly anticipated release within the Linux community.
The new version of the OS features much welcomed cosmetic changes, as well as some notable new features. The new theme takes on a darker, brown-less, Mac OS style look. By default, the window buttons are on the left side. However, this can be changed by the user. Feature wise, Lucid Lync brings a faster, more social experience to the user. With improved boot-up time and a new "Me" menu powered by Gwibber, and a built in video editing program, Ubuntu is sure to win over a lot of Linux fans.
Next up for Canonical is Ubuntu 10.10, Maverick Meerkat. For a small peek at some of the things we may see in the next release, visit our previous coverage regarding Ubuntu killing off their OS"s notification area.
For those who aren"t full-on, hardcore Linux users but would like to try it out alongside Windows, Canonical provides a program called Wubi. This nifty little application will allow you to create a dual booting system from within Windows.
To download Lucid Lynx, visit Ubuntu"s download page. To view the release notes, go here.