Ubuntu 23.04 is less than a month away from release and there’s a pleasant surprise too because Canonical has decided to make Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix an official flavour in the upcoming release. Not everyone is happy with the heavily tweaked GNOME desktop that Ubuntu comes with normally so community-created flavours are also made available and granted official status by Canonical when the flavour is of good quality.
In a statement on the Ubuntu mailing list, Łukasz Zemczak said:
“I"m happy to inform you that, per the Technical Board votes seen above (and confirmed on today"s [Technical Board] meeting), Ubuntu Cinnamon has become an official Ubuntu flavour! Welcome to the family!”
For those who don’t know, Cinnamon is the desktop environment made by the Linux Mint developers and ships as the default environment on Linux Mint. While Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, the Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix is much closer to Ubuntu than Linux Mint. Cinnamon has some of the same underpinnings as GNOME 3 as it was forked from that project but took a different direction to maintain a traditional desktop look and feel.
One of the main differences between Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix and Linux Mint is the lack of Linux Mint’s XApps and backup tool Timeshift. According to OMG! Ubuntu!, the Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix could still do with a bit of polishing up before it’s officially released as the daily build contained no web browser and GIMP was set as the default image viewer.
Source: Ubuntu via OMG! Ubuntu! and Phoronix