UK online privacy... for now

Well, as private as it can be ;)

Plans to extend surveillance of e-mail and telephone records have been postponed at the last minute amid growing concern from MPs about the invasion of privacy.

The [UK] Home Office says the debate has been postponed because of "timetabling difficulties", but privately officials say new safeguards are being added in an attempt to satisfy critics.

A committee of MPs had been due to vote on the controversial proposals on Tuesday, but the government has put the debate back to 1 July.

"No acceptable case has been made for this "snooper"s charter"" - Lord Strathclyde dunno who he is either, but he does have a very good point.

The move comes as Conservative peers threatened to use their voting strength to block the plans in the House of Lords. Critics claim the plan - which would allow local councils and other organisations to check private telephone records - amounts to a "snooper"s charter".

News source: BBC News

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