Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Windows 10

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10 adds several new tweaks for the new operating system. Those of you who have upgraded to Windows 10, would definitely want to use it to judiciously tweak your Windows 10 and personalize your computing experience. While you may be able to access all these via the Windows 10 Settings app, the Registry Editor or the Group Policy Editor, Ultimate Windows Tweaker makes things easier for you by offering all useful tweaks from its single UI.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 includes over 200 tweaks. Like its predecessors, UWT 4.0 sports a clean minimalistic UI, offering links in the left panel, and tabs on the top, in some categories. Hover over any tweak and helpful tool tips will tell you what the tweak does.

All the tweaks have been neatly categorized as follows:

  • System Information: Get some basic information about your system like System Type, Processor, Installed RAM, Computer name, User name and the WEI Score, etc.
  • Customization: Under this category you will be able to tweaks settings of your Taskbar, Thumbnails, File Explorer and the Modern UI.
  • User Accounts: Under the User Accounts tab, you will be able to change your User Account settings, Logon information and sign in options. You can also change the User Account Control settings here.
  • Performance tweaks: The Performance tab offers tweaks to optimize Windows 10 to best suit your requirements.
  • Security tweaks: Harden your Windows 10 by changing some settings. If you want to restrict access to some Control Panel applets like Windows Updates you can do so easily. There is a new Privacy tab, where you can disable Telemetry, Biometrics, Advertising ID, Bing search, Cortana, Windows Update sharing, Feedback requests, password Reveal button, Steps Recorder, Inventory Collector and Application Telemetry.
  • Internet Explorer: Tweak your Internet Explorer 11 when you open this section. Tweak IE’s appearance and behavior.
  • Context Menu tweaks: Add Windows Store apps, features and useful functions to the right-click context menu. Add Scan with Windows Defender, Clear Clipboard, all built-in default Windows Store apps and more to the context menu.
  • Additional system tweaks: Under this category, you will see some additional system and Network tweaks.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10 adds several new tweaks:

  • Seeing the concerns being raised about privacy issues, several tweaks have been added under a new Privacy section.
  • Many new tweaks in Context Menu for Store Apps to support Windows 10.
  • The empty.ico file is not required now for “Remove Shortcut Arrows From Icons” to function properly
  • It calculates Windows Experience Index from the main page. Click on Run assessment to recalculate the WEI.
  • You can Run DISM command to fix corrupted system image
  • You can now pin Drives to Desktop Context Menu
  • Many new tweaks to customize Windows 10
  • Newly designed interface with command link buttons
  • Hover over a tweak, and get the description at the bottom of the tweaker.

It is always recommended to create a system restore point before tweaking your system, and hence an easily accessible button for creating the same has been provided in the tweaker.

Download: Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4.0 | 493 KB (Freeware)
Screenshots: >>Click Here
Ultimate Windows Tweaker Homepage

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