Unreal Tournament 2004 footage

Tycho from Unreal Ops sends word to tell us that there"s footage of Unreal Tournament 2004 on E3 Insider.

Beyond Unreal also has this comment from Mark Rein:

Sorry I have not been able to visit the forum sooner but we"ve been extremely busy showing off UT2004 during the day and then meeting with licensees and potential licensees at night.

The reception to UT2004 has been great which is especially gratifying considering how early everything is. There are so many cool things going into UT2004 that aren"t in showable shape yet. But regardless of that people are really liking the parts they"re seeing and we know they"re going to be even more delighted in a few months when everything comes together.

I see many of you are discussing the topic of UT2004 pricing. Atari has not yet set the retail price of UT2004 however they have told us that all along they"ve been planning to have some sort of deal for existing UT2003 owners who buy UT2004. The game is still many months away so there"s plenty of time to figure this out and let people know.

I have guests here in my suite and I need to get back to them now. I"ll try (no promises) to post more tonight and possibly get on IRC again sometime in the next few hours to answer peoples" questions.

News source: Voodoo Extreme

View: E3 Insider click "Watch Floored"

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