US government begins blocking exports to Huawei

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It has been reported that the US government has stopped approving licenses for business within the US to export to Huawei, following ongoing tensions and restrictions imposed on the company.

The news comes as some American firms report having communications from the US Commerce Department, saying that it will no longer issue licenses for US technology exports to Huawei, as tensions rise between the US and China in recent months.

A spokesperson for the US Commerce Department has said:

"Working closely with our interagency export controls partners at the Departments of Energy, Defense and State, we continually assess our policies and regulations and communicate regularly with external stakeholders.

We do not comment on conversations with or deliberations about specific companies."

There have been multiple restrictions on Huawei ever since it was first added to the infamous Entity List back in 2019, and it seems that the change in leadership in the White House has not changed the position of the country against it.

It isn"t just the US that Huawei has fallen out of favour with, elsewhere, such as in the UK, governments have been seeking to remove or reduce the use of its technology in 5G infrastructure. Huawei has declined to comment on this emerging story for the time being.

Source: BBC News

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