Valve: Windows 11 approaches 29% mark on Steam

Every month, Valve runs a voluntary survey to gather information about PC configurations its customers use to access Steam. This data helps developers optimize their games to reach as many gamers as possible and make wise investments in different technologies. Steam Hardware and Software surveys are also a great source of information about various Windows versions and their success among gamers.

Note: Participation in the survey is optional, so the data does not represent 100% of Steam users. Also, the official Steam page compares the latest data to October 2022, not November 2022, hence the difference in deltas between this article and the official report.

The survey results show that Windows 11 keeps stealing users from Windows 10. According to Valve, in December 2022, Windows 11 reached 28.42%, which is a 0.44 points increase compared to November 2022.

Windows 10 64-bit, the most dominant species of operating systems on Steam, lost only 0.18 points in December 2022—the eight-year-old OS right now has a 65.42% market share. Windows 7 64-bit experienced a similar decline. Valve says the third most popular Windows version on Steam currently has 1.66% (-0.22 points).

  1. Windows 10 64-bit: 65.42% (-0.18)
  2. Windows 11: 28.42% (+0.44)
  3. Windows 7 64-bit: 1.66% (-0.22)
  4. Windows 8 64-bit: 0.41%
  5. Windows 7 32-bit: 0.11%

Overall, Microsoft"s operating system family keeps holding the market tight with a 96.15% market share (+0.04). Apple is second with 2.48% (+0.03), and Linux is third with 1.38% (-0.06).

As for the hardware preferences, there are no significant changes compared to the previous month. Here are the most popular CPU, GPU, memory, and other hardware picks:

Steam Hardware Survey - December 2022
Processors Intel AMD Microsoft
67.81% (+0.71) 32.16% (-0.71) 0.03%
Physical Cores 6 cores 4 cores 8 cores
33.03% (+0.43) 29.8% (-0.26) 19.20% (-0.56)
Memory 16GB 8GB 32GB
51.85% () 21.32% (+0.08) 13.93% (+0.55)
Graphics Cards Nvidia AMD Intel
75.69% 15.15% 8.94%
Graphics Cards Models NVIDIA GTX 1650 NVIDIA GTX 1060 NVIDIA RTX 2060
5.99% (-0.06) 5.46% (-0.12) 4.50% (+0.02)
Graphics Cards Memory 8GB 6GB 4GB
26.95% (+0.73) 19.99% (+0.02) 14.97% (+0.66)
Display Resolution 1920 x 1080 2560 x 1440 1366 x 768
64.60% (-0.46) 11.80% (+0.46) 5.88% (+0.18)

You can find more information on the official Steam Hardware and Software Survey page.

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