Viewing pornography online reduces short term memory

We’ve been told that pornography can negatively impact many facets of our life. Indeed, the Pentagon had to tell its employees to stop viewing porn at work and Google is forcing users to be more specific when searching for porn.

We understand that people want to protect their children from accidental viewing of pornography--and we definitely don’t want our tax dollars paying for someone to watch it instead of doing their job. But is there a medical reason why people should avoid using the Internet for porn? According to German scientists, the answer is a resounding yes. CBS Las Vegas points to a study in the University of Duisburg-Essen, where men were shown images and were asked whether those images had been shown previously. The study concluded that the men who viewed pornographic images during the study recalled only 67 percent of the images, whereas men who didn’t see any nudity recalled 80 percent of them.

This study seems to correlate well with a study released earlier this year in which researchers found that parts of the brain shut down while viewing pornography, allowing the blood to flow to other areas (not where you were thinking, it was redirected to other areas of the brain instead).

If it turns out that viewing pornography is indeed bad for our memories, what will we do with the Internet? Everyone knows that the Internet is for porn!

Source: CBS Las Vegas

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