Virus attached to Hentai game publishes your web history online

A new virus named Kenzero is infecting users computers and then publishing their web history online. The virus then demands 1500 yen from the user to have the information removed from the website.

Right now the virus is attaching it self to Hentai type games and the users that have been infected have been downloading them illegally through a service called Winni. So far 5500 people have admitted to being infected by the virus.

The website that the history is published on is owned by a shell company called Romancing Inc. It is registered to a fictitious individual called Shoen Overns.

"We"ve seen the name before in association with the Zeus and Koobface trojans. It is an established criminal gang that is continuously involved in this sort of activity," said Rik Ferguson, senior security advisor at Trend Micro. Kenzero is a twist on ransomware, he added, which infects a computer and encrypts the documents, pictures and music stored on it, before demanding a fee for a decryption key.

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