Windows Vista coverage is one of our primary purposes here at Our goal is to keep users informed with news and information on the latest/greatest happenings in the technology industry. We also try to do it in a way where you, technology experts, are part of the process. We also let you know about sites and articles on the net that provide the news and information you"re looking for without having to scower the net for it.
For users who are really interested in what"s going on with Windows Vista or want to share their experiences, a new site called has been launched. This site aims to let technology experts share their own Windows Vista experiences with other users. Any user can submit articles on their Windows Vista experiences and have them displayed on the home page (subject to moderation).
The idea is to give users the opportunity to get their opinions heard in the wider world on what they think of Windows Vista, what things they like, don"t like, and more.
To help get things started, I"ve created the first of a series of video demos on Windows Vista in action. Check it out. And for on-going technical help and discussion on Windows Vista, check out the Neowin Vista beta discussion area.