Thanks anonymous...Visual Studio .NET 2003 "Everett" RC1 will soon be available to a select group of testers
MS Beta Newsgroups
We have shipped RC1 to a select few participants (less then 10%) in the Beta. The people who will receive the RC1 kit were selected because they were a major contributor to our release as one of the top bug finders by submitting 5 or more bugs in our beta program.
We are asking these individuals to uninstall Final Beta, install RC1, and make one last push to provide feedback before January 17th, 2003. We are at a very late stage of the product development cycle, and are looking for critical issues, adoption blockers, data loss, and application crash bugs. All other feedback will be reviewed and considered for our next release.
Thank you for your participation in the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 and .NET Framework 1.1 Beta testing program.
The Visual Studio .NET 2003 Beta Team.