Hi, I"m Adam, I"m known as Warwagon on the forum. For the past 19 years, I"ve been operating my own computer repair business. In doing so, I deal with the average computer user on a day-to-day basis.
Every bit of information I provide for people I do so with the lowest common denominator in mind. It"s a common misconception that everyone who joins or browses a tech site is a techie. Some people are just looking for guidance. That is why for some, these tech tips may seem a bit too simplistic but educational for others.
Here is how to check which companies have a status of "Active" on your PayPal account.
Every once and a while it’s a good idea to go through the list of sites that have access to your PayPal accounts and turn off the ones you don’t need anymore.
1) First log into your PayPal account by going to www.paypal.com
2) Now click the settings gear at the top right of the page right next to the words “Log out”
3) Next click on the tab labeled “Payments”
4) On the next screen click “Manage Automatic Payments”
5) Along the left-hand side you will see a list of companies whose status in your PayPal account is “Active”.
6) To make a company inactive, first, click one of the companies in the left-hand list you wish to make inactive.
7) On the Right side of the screen you’ll see “status”. To make it inactive click the “Cancel” button next to it.
Note: Make sure you really don’t need any of the ones you are making inactive, as it will also turn off any auto-renewals or monthly payments that use PayPal.
In my case, I just noticed Flickr was still active. I canceled that, as I haven"t used Flickr since 2018.
Happy Computing!
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