Washington, DC and Hawaii top the list for online porn viewing

Although most people don’t like to talk about it, watching pornography is a very popular pastime. It’s no surprise that the UK recently rejected a proposal to ban it from the Internet, regardless of the fact that it’s not a very feasible solution.

A very popular porn site, PornHub.com (not safe for work!) compiled some interesting facts about Internet pornography and released an infographic about the topic. Two of the more interesting stats include which states view the most videos and which days have the least amount of traffic. The results, while not shocking, show that people are least likely to view porn on holidays, with Independence Day being the least active day of the year.

The result that is a bit strange is that December 27th was the most active day of 2012 with nearly 13 million individuals visiting the site. While there’s no analysis of what the data means, we wonder if it has anything to do with Christmas Eve and Christmas Day being two of the five lowest trafficked days of the year. Perhaps everyone is going through withdrawal by that date.

As for locations, the east coast has a near-monopoly on pornography viewing, and Washington, DC in particular has a commanding lead, nearly doubling the rate of its next highest competitor, Hawaii. Unfortunately, the site only compiled data on the United States, so we don"t know how any of this compares to other countries.

So did you view pornography on December 27th? Or were you one of the outliers, watching some pornography on a holiday? Or have you been watching so much porn that you forget?

Source: NY Daily News | Image courtesy of Buzzfeed, via Pornhub.com

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