Washington Post Jobs web site hacked

The latest in a string of cyber attacks on web sites has been revealed, this time on the Washingon Post"s Jobs web site. A notice posted on the web site admitted that "unauthorized third party attacked our Jobs website and was able to obtain access to certain user IDs and e-mail addresses." The attacks happened on two separate occasions; one on June 27 and one on June 28. The site says that "roughly 1.27 million user IDs and e-mail addresses were impacted."

There is no word on which hacker group might have pulled this latest cyber attacks. If you have been following the news for the past three months or so you know that there has been a rash of attacks that have affected web sites and servers owned by Sony, PBS, Square Enix, the CIA and many more. Many of these attacks were claimed by LulzSec, a group that recently announced that their hacking campaign was now over.

As far as the Washington Post attack is concern, the web site said that no passwords were exposed as part of the late June cyber attack. The site adds that the security issue has been corrected. However some people who got their email addresses exposed may see an increase in spam emails. It states. "We also have implemented additional measures to prevent against a similar attack in the future, and we are pursuing the matter with law enforcement. In addition, we are conducting a thorough audit of the security of the Jobs site."

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