Web News turn into profit...

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"After the bubble years in which Internet publications burned through a phenomenal amount of other people"s money, web journalism is starting to take off. It may hold ominous implications for newspapers globally, but it could well save journalism itself.

Until very recently - mostly in the past six months - nobody had figured out how to make money off Internet journalism. Now, they have, partly because very recent, rapid changes in technology have made the web more reader-friendly and more receptive to advertising. But it is mostly conventional newspaper companies that have the editorial, advertising and marketing resources to take advantage of the "Net, not the startups, or e-zines as they are called.

Inexorably, all media are losing readers to the "Net. According to an exhaustive study of US at-work Internet users by the New York-based marketing research firm eMarketer, those who use the web, particularly at work, have cut their television viewing time by 28.8 percent, their magazine reading time by 22.5 percent and of newspapers by 23 percent. These numbers are for the United States, but they are certain to apply to the world at large, and Asia in particular, as time passes. "

News source: Slashdot.org

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