WebLight 3.0.1 beta

WebLight 3.0.1 beta is an easy to use web analysis tool that checks entire sites for HTML problems, accessibility problems, and links.

WebLight allows you to

  • Check local files, and URLs accessible by HTTP, HTTPs, gopher protocols.

  • Check URLs requiring HTTP Basic authentication, cookies, and/or proxy servers.

  • Flexibly control which URLs should be checked

  • View summary of HTML, Accessibility, and Link problems detected on site.

  • View detailed list of problems found in specific URLs or files.

  • List URLs that have been checked.

  • List known URLs that refer to a specific URL.

  • WebLight is available for Windows 98, NT, XP, Mac OS X, and Linux. Requires Java 1.3, or 1.4
Download: WebLight 3.0.1 beta

News source: WebLight Site

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