Welcome to PlanetWolfenstein!

GameSpy Industries, the leading online entertainment pioneer, is proud to announce the launch of PlanetWolfenstein.com, the Internet"s most comprehensive resource for fans of the action hit Return to Castle Wolfenstein from Gray Matter Interactive Studios, id Software and Activision, Inc.

PlanetWolfenstein.com features complete information about the game, the highly anticipated follow-up to the groundbreaking Wolfenstein 3D from id Software. Wolfenstein 3D first exploded onto the gaming industry 10 years ago, influencing scores of first-person action games to come. Return to Castle Wolfenstein places you back into the fray against evil Nazis and undead zombies, but with the beauty and power of the Quake III Engine providing the spark of life.

PlanetWolfenstein.com provides up-to-the-minute news and information for fans, as well as screenshots, strategy guides, downloadable files and more. The site is also the Internet"s best resource for the developing online community surrounding the game, serving as the best location for fans looking for community-developed add-ons and files.

News source: Planetwolfenstein.com

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