Why Nokia wants Instagram: Celebrities

Nokia has been publicly pleading with Instagram to port the immensely popular photo sharing app to Windows Phone, and the reason behind this may have just become clear: celebrities. BlackBerry, and others, are realizing that having a celebrity promote your product is a big boost, especially when that promotion is unpaid (when they actually use the product). Countless celebrities use an iPhone and are happy to promote the fact on social networks, even if Apple doesn"t ask. 

Unfortunately, Nokia does not have that luxury. Reddit user 38B0DE has come forward with a conversation between himself and an "insider" at Nokia and claims that the company"s drive for Instagram is down to the high usage among celebrities. The insider notes that the default phone for celebrities is the iPhone, because of its " headache-free" user experience, coupled with Apple"s  "creative cool brand." While Apple does use celebrities in its adverts, there are countless others who do it for free. According to the insider: ""Sent from my iPhone" has saved Apple billions in celebrity endorsements." 

Instagram has been reluctant to dedicate resources to Windows Phone because it has a tiny market share. An Android app was only added when the platform reached 50 percent of the total smartphone OS market share in the U.S. The iPhone is also regarded as one of the best camera phones, which has created a passionate user base who exclusively use their iPhones to take professional-grade pictures. 

Source: Reddit Image via HackReads.com

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