Wikipedia breaks into U.S. top 10 sites

According to comScore Networks" Thursday report, January 2007 marks the first time when US-based Wikimedia Foundation"s Wikipedia (including Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikibooks, Wikinews and of course Wikipedia encyclopaedias) cracked the top ten list of most popular Web sites in the U.S. The Wikipedia sites ranked ninth with 42.9 million unique visitors last month, ahead of the sites from The New York Times (#10), Apple (#11) and Viacom International (#12). Wikipedia, which already ranked in the top 10 list of most popular Web sites globally, has been progressively gaining popularity in the U.S.: in January 2006 Wikipedia sites were #33 (18.3 million unique visitors), in July 2006 Wikipedia was #18 (28.1 million visitors) and in November the site was #12 (39.1 million visitors. Globally, Wikipedia sites ranked sixth in December with almost 165 million unique visitors.

News source: InfoWorld

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