A Windows Vista tweaker, able to do with two mouse clicks what it would take a beginner and expert user several minutes or even hours deep inside the Windows registry. WinBubble 1.0 to 1.5, "Bridging the Gap" started as a way to tweak and customize the amazing Vista screensavers. Remember this message box? "This screensaver has no options that you can set."
Now it has become a major aid to making Windows Vista look, feel and act the way you want it to. WinBubble 1.6 will start the idea of simplicity combined with knowledge. In just two clicks, WinBubble will help you to Customize and Tweak your Windows Vista easily.
Its features cover Customization, Security and Optimization.
What"s New:
- New features
- "My Tweaker Tool", Create your own Tweaker
- Add/Edit/Delete DVD/CD drive Names/Labels
- Firefox support was added
- Disable IE connection Settings
- Disable Changing the Homepage settings
- Delete specific IE URL history
- Auto-detect of new versions.
- Fixed: Newly installed Windows Vista OS bug message
- Anti-registry setting theft was updated