Windows 10 May 2024 Patch Tuesday (KB5037768 / KB5037765 / KB5037763 / KB5037788) out

Patch Tuesday Windows 10

It"s the second Tuesday of the month, which means it"s Patch Tuesday time again. As such, today, Microsoft is rolling out the monthly security update (also called "B release") for May 2024 on Windows Server 20H2 and Windows 10 for the latest supported versions, 20H2, 21H2, and 22H2. The new updates are being distributed under KB5037768, bumping up the builds to 19044.4412 and 19045.4412. You can find standalone links to download the new update on the Microsoft Update Catalog at this link here.

The major highlight of the release is the VPN issue fix in addition to security patches.


  • This update addresses a known issue that might cause your VPN connection to fail. This occurs after you install the update dated April 9, 2024, or later.

After a couple of weeks without any, known issues are back:

Known issues in this update



Windows devices using more than one (1) monitor might experience issues with desktop icons moving unexpectedly between monitors or other icon alignment issues when attempting to use Copilot in Windows (in preview).

To prevent users from encountering this issue, Copilot in Windows (in preview) might not be available on devices that have been used or are currently being used in a multimonitor configuration.

We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.

Copilot in Windows (in preview) is not currently supported when your taskbar is located vertically on the right or left of your screen.

To access Copilot in Windows, make sure your taskbar is positioned horizontally on the top or bottom of your screen.

We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.

After you install KB5034203 (dated 01/23/2024) or later updates, some Windows devices that use the DHCP Option 235 to discover Microsoft Connected Cache (MCC) nodes in their network might be unable to use those nodes. Instead, these Windows devices will download updates and apps from the public internet. IT administrators also see increased download traffic on their internet routes.

Those of you who use the Home edition of Windows are not likely to experience this issue. MCC and DHCP Option 235 are typically used in enterprise environments.

Option 1: Configure Microsoft Connected Cache endpoint in DOCacheHost policy as indicated in Cache hostname. Additionally, DOCacheHostSourcehas to be set to 1or removed as indicated in Cache hostname source. By default, the DOCacheHost and DOCacheHostSource policies have no value.

Option 2: You can mitigate this issue using Group Policies available through our support channel. Organizations can request help at Support for business.

We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.

After installing this update, you might be unable to change your user account profile picture.

When attempting to change a profile picture by selecting the button Start> Settings > Account > Your info and, under Create your picture, clicking on Browse for one, you might receive an error message with error code 0x80070520.

We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.

Some of the older Windows 10 versions have also received updates today, which have been listed below with their respective release notes (KB) linked as well as links to download them at Microsoft"s Update Catalog:

Version KB Build Download Support



Update Catalog Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC)



Update Catalog



Update Catalog

It is noteworthy here that Windows 10 20H2 and Windows 10 1909 reached the end of servicing. Some editions of 21H2 have also reached the end of servicing.

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Windows 11 Patch Tuesday update out now for 23H2, 22H2 (KB5037771), and 21H2 (KB5037770)

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