Windows 11 market share on Steam jumps to 45%

Statcounter recently reported a continuous decline in Windows 11 market share, but on the gaming side, things look much more positive.

According to Valve, at least.

The company reports that Windows 11 has nearly caught up with Windows 10 on Steam, with only 6 points now separating the two operating systems.

Steam conducts a monthly survey to collect data about what kinds of computer hardware and software our customers are using. Participation in the survey is optional, and anonymous. The information gathered is incredibly helpful to us as we make decisions about what kinds of technology investments to make and products to offer.

The Steam Hardware and Software Survey for April 2024 claims Windows 11 is now at 45.15%, a 3.54-point increase over March 2024. Windows 10, on the other hand, went down to 51.02% (-3.38 points).

There are still people who play games from Steam on 64-bit Windows 7, which Valve no longer supports. About 0.43% of all participants in the latest survey reported having a Windows 7-based computer.

Similar to Chrome in the browser market, Windows dominates Steam with an overwhelming 96.76% market share (+0.09 points). macOS has 1.35% (-0.03 points), and Linux has 1.90% (-0.04).

Here is what was happening on the hardware side in April 2024.

Steam Hardware Survey - April 2024
Processors Intel
66.51% (-2.23)
33.46% (+2.24)
0.03% (-0.01)
CPU Cores 6 cores
33.18% (-1.63)
8 cores
20.69% (+0.87)
4 cores
20.23% (+0.30)
Memory 16GB
48.26% (+0.56)
28.09% (-1.20)
11.89% (+0.15)
GPU Models Nvidia RTX 3060
5.51% (-1.16)
Nvidia GTX 1650
4.20% (+0.25)
Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti
3.59% (-0.34)
Video Memory

34.10% (-1.07)

17.09% (-1.23)
14.45% (-0.31)
Display Resolution 1920 x 1080
58.43% (-0.02)
2560 x 1440
18.90% (-0.96)
1366 x 768
3.42% (-0.04)

You can find more information on the official Steam Hardware and Software Survey website.

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