Windows 7 64-bit adoption rate higher than 32-bit for gamers

It’s well known now that Windows 7 has made a big splash in the operating system market, surpassing all expectations of consumers and even Microsoft.  There is also another interesting surprise, and that is from gamers, according to a Steam hardware survey.

Gamers that are familiar with Steam know that you can take a hardware survey which assists developers to learn gamers latest hardware trends.  Each month Steam posts their statistics on the average specs for gamers, along with detailed information about the most popular hardware and software brands, including operating systems, like Windows 7.

Based on Steam’s January 2010 information, Windows 7 64-bit is used by 19.50% of all Steam users compared to 9.03% for Windows 7 32-bit.  Windows 7 managed to take 28.53% of all users, up +5.47% from last month.  Windows XP is still dominant with 42.78%, down 2.63% from last month.

All other Windows based operating systems including Vista (64-bit/32-bit), Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 are all down from last month.

The average Steam user is running an Intel chip (69.06%) which has 2 CPU’s (56.93%), using a DirectX10 (48.94%) NVIDIA graphics card (65.01%).  The average user has 2GB of RAM with a primary resolution of 1280 x 1024.

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