Windows 8 tablet may feature live tiles similar to WP7

There has been a lot of talk recently about Windows 8 after slides leaked showing Dell was preparing a tablet based on the OS for January of 2012. New information is surfacing about what the OS may look like and Phonearena claims to have the knowledge of what the tablet OS will entail. 

According to Phoneareana, they state that "there is to be dual-interface overlay, depending on what is Win 8 running on, and the tablet UI, codenamed Mosh, is speculated to feature big live tiles, similar to what Windows Phone 7 offers." This information seems logical as Microsoft would continue on with the WP7 interface across many of its products and the layout would most likely work nicely in tablet form.

Phonearena also states that "Windows 8 may have a dedicated gaming focus and feature a flexible 3D interface, as well as a Windows Marketplace app store. Microsoft is working with NVIDIA, Qualcomm and Texas Instruments to tailor its "riskiest bet" as Steve Ballmer called Windows 8 for running on the frugal ARM-based chipsets." Previously leaked slides confirmed that Microsoft is working on an App Store and with the success of Apple"s App stores, this shouldn"t come as a surprise.

While it is impossible to confirm any of this information from Microsoft, it all does seem plausible. But we wont know the true answer until Microsoft finally unveils the platform possibly later this year or during 2012.

[Update] The picture has been removed because no one was actually reading the news and assumed that it was a picture of the interface.

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