Windows Blue and IE11 may support Google's faster SPDY protocol

It"s now been 15 days or so since the 9364 build of Windows Blue was leaked to the Internet, yielding tons of information about what Microsoft may or may not have planned for the next major update for Windows 8. That update will also include Internet Explorer 11.

There"s already been some information about what IE11 might contain, thanks to the work of others who have examined the code. References to tab syncing and maybe the use of WebGL in the browser have already been discovered. Now Within Windows has revealed there is evidence in the IE11 code of its support for SPDY, a web protocol originally developed, ironically, by Google.

The SPDY page on Google"s Chromium website has the details of the protocol, which in very basic form is being developed to make surfing the Internet on a web browser faster while still using the current Internet infrastructure. The goal is to make web pages load as much as 50 percent faster than they currently do with the HTTP protocol. While SPDY (pronounced as SPeeDY) does replace some elements of HTTP, the intent of SPDY is to augment HTTP, according to the Chromium page.

Within Windows claims that SPDY is not only showing up in IE11 but is also being put into the Windows Blue OS itself, via the Windows Internet API. That could mean that any Internet apps that Windows Blue has will support SPDY.

Source: Within Windows | Image via Microsoft

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