Windows .net Server 2003 RC2 released to CPP customers

Just got my e-mail now, it seems that those who registered to download RC2 of .net Server 2003 have just gotten their download instructions!

The e-mail reads:

**PLEASE Do not reply as this email is being sent to you from an un-monitored account.

Due to Microsoft"s security requirements, the hyperlink(s) contained in this email may not automatically open your browser. If you experience any difficulty with a hyperlink in this document, please copy the hyperlink and paste into your browser.


Microsoft® Windows® .NET Server 2003 Release Candidate 2 is now ready for download! Please read this email carefully and keep a copy so that you will not lose valuable information you need for participating in the Windows .NET Server 2003 Customer Preview Program.

As a participant in the Windows .NET Server 2003 Customer Preview Program, you are entitled to a copy of the Windows .NET Server 2003 Release Candidate 2 (RC2).

Download: WindowsBeta

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