Thanks annon
Dear Beta testers,
By the end of August 2004, we will have completed the Windows Update (WU) v5 Site Beta testing project. It is now rolling out to all Windows XP users. This is a major milestone and the culmination of more than a year of hard work. This release has been challenging for everyone, but we did it! All of you should feel extremely proud of your involvement in this project. WU v5 is the best Windows Update release ever!
The impact of your work is tremendous! The WU v5 site will have millions of clients worldwide using the service to stay secure and up-to-date on Windows platforms. Thank you very much for being a part of this release. This WU v5 Site Beta project has ended, but the beta program will continue. We will modify the program name soon; this will not affect your beta status. We will concentrate on the beta content testing and occasional site fix testing, in addition to new site releases. Again, we appreciate all your effort, time, and hard work spent helping Microsoft and the WU teams succeed and bring the best quality products possible to our millions of consumers!
With great admiration,
Windows Update Beta