Yahoo gives net marketing lessons

Marketers and advertisers do not understand the potential of the internet, says Yahoo, which has launched an online marketing solutions centre resource to educate them.

The site includes information on research tools, targeted banner advertising and home-page stunts, that give an advertiser all the ad spots on a heavily viewed page for one day. Internet case studies on the site include the launch of Coca-Cola"s summer advertising campaign, a Valentine"s Day promotion for Fiji and promoting Dstore as a premier supplier of the Xbox games console.

"It"s our responsibility to drive growth in this market," said Leanne Sheraton, marketing and sales director of Yahoo Australia and New Zealand.

Ms Sheraton has made presentations to Mindshare, Starcom, George Patterson Bates and other media-buying groups and advertising agencies.

"They haven"t felt confident about recommending online as part of a media mix to clients," she said.

News source: News Interactive - Yahoo gives net marketing lessons

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