Today's highlighted deal comes via our Online Courses section of the Neowin Deals store, where you can save 37% off on a lifetime subscription to Excel Everest.
Get ready to master Excel for Mac. Why pay $400+ for a course when you can learn interactively through Excel Everest? This is the market-leading and only Microsoft Excel training course that teaches you by doing — 160+ interactive exercises across 40+ critical concepts. Get ready to impress your boss!
What You'll Learn
- A deep understanding of all of the business critical aspects of Excel
- The ability to quickly run analyses & interpret data in your day-to-day job and personal life
- A keen sense of the biggest, most critical mistakes & errors people make in Excel and how to avoid them
- Basic data visualization and furthered knowledge of how to make charts & graphs that tell stories
Why Excel Everest?
- Easy-to-follow curriculum. 41 key business topics & over 160 interactive exercises, all organized logically
- Lessons that aren't boring. Hundreds of fun, interactive exercises so you learn by doing versus watching videos
- Little-known Excel history. Learn how Excel came to be one of the most powerful pieces of software the world has created
- What's important, and why. Learn how to use critical Excel functionality as well as why it's critical to your career
- Practical exercises. Solve problems that you'll find in your day-to-day career
- Track your progress. There's a scoreboard in Excel Everest so you'll know exactly how you're doing at each step of the journey
- Fun games. Learn key concepts & become quicker and more efficient
Here's the deal:
This lifetime subscription to Excel Everest normally costs $159 but it can be yours for just $99 for a limited time, that's a saving of $60 (37%) off! For a full description, terms, and instructor info please click the link below.
Lifetime subscription to Excel Everest for just $99
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