Those shopping around for computer parts these days must be having a pretty good time compared to the situation two years ago. That's because there have been some generally excellent deals for most PC parts. We have been covering these deals on processors, and also on storage components like SSDs including NVMe, and CMR hard disks for NAS.

Graphics cards too, especially AMD Radeon GPUs, are currently selling for amazingly low prices thanks to the ongoing Black Friday and Thanksgiving sales. But these probably won't last forever. In this article, we have compiled the best deals you shouldn't miss out on if you are in the market for a GPU.
RX 6900 XT 16GB (MSRP: $999): Equivalent to RTX 3080 Ti in rasterization, RTX 3070 in ray-tracing.
XFX Speedster SWFT319 AMD RX 6900 XT CORE: $629.99 (Amazon US)
ASRock RX 6900 XT PHANTOM GAMING D: $654.99 (Newegg US)
RX 6800 XT 16GB (MSRP: $649): In between the RTX 3080 12GB and 10GB variants in rasterization, equivalent to RTX 3060 Ti in ray tracing.
- ASRock Radeon RX 6800 XT Phantom Gaming D: $534.99 ($514.99 after $20.00 rebate card) (Newegg US)
RX 6750 XT 12GB (MSRP: $499): Faster than RTX 3060 Ti and almost as good as RTX 3070 in raster, ray tracing performance in between the RTX 3060 and RTX 3050.
MSI Mech Radeon RX 6750 XT 2X OC: $389.99 ($369.99 after $20.00 rebate card)
- While the RX 6750 XT is by far the better deal, we also list the 6700 XT in case you miss the 6750 XT.
RX 6700 XT 12GB (MSRP: $479): Equivalent to RTX 3060 Ti in raster, slightly better than RTX 3050 in ray tracing.
PowerColor Red Devil RX 6700 XT: $379.99 (Amazon US)
ASRock RX 6700 XT Challenger D: $369.99 ($349.99 after $20.00 rebate card) (Newegg US)
MSI RX 6700 XT Mech 2X: $369.99 ($349.99 after $20.00 rebate card) (Newegg US)
RX 6650 XT 8GB (MSRP: $399): Significantly faster than RTX 3060 in raster, ray tracing performance lackluster.
MSI Mech RX 6650 XT Mech 2X OC: $249.99 ($229.99 after $20.00 rebate card) (Newegg US)
GIGABYTE RX 6650 XT Eagle: $279.99 ($259.99 after $20.00 rebate card) (Newegg US)
RX 6600 8GB (MSRP: $329): Slightly slower than RTX 3060 in raster but much faster than the RTX 3050, ray tracing performance very poor.
- MSI RX 6600 Mech 2X: $209.99 ($189.99 after $20.00 rebate card) (Newegg US)
- Sapphire Pulse RX 6600 LITE Edition: $209.99 (Amazon US)
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