Doom 3 Screensaver

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Well looking at a lot of the stuff in Doom III I am tempted to think they are vector based. The Doors and panels at any rate. Custom rendering without doubt, but i'm thinking these are possibly native ai/eps/svg/swf based. I'd love to have a resolution independant graphic just like that. I'd love to even customise WinLogon with it. The later i have done with res hack and a few tutorials but there is a better way these days with StyleXP or a related tool

Drex ... pimping the digits


New Idea. Rape the pk4 files. Open them in Winzip, or my favourite Winrar, and look around.... i'm in the guis:

pak001.pk4\dds\guis\assets\doors - ZIP archive, unpacked size 410,387,276 bytes

there are lots of dds files - Direct Draw Surfaces. Now folks, if we have a file DX can easily display, I believe there is a screensaver pretty easily made. I saw a Demo either in the SDK or just hanging around.

Lets do this...

Billy has supplied tools:

Edited by Drexthepimp

as in, the UIs on doom3 aren't pre-rendered :p

they're rendered in realtime.

i'm gonna take a look. can anyone pinpoint the correct place in game that the specific screensaver occurs?

(thinking about not using doom3 resources)

get a nice video of it running. at least for reference :p

Edited by Menge
  rec_kris said:
interesting replies.

how would you go about taking in in game video of this ? you could use the damn XP powertoy to loop a few second long video of the spinning logo if you could get a good enough shot of it , ingame.

Use noclip cheat and you can get really close the the pc screen.

The only problem is to remove HUD, but that can be done with PS or something..

I even tried and made a really crappy one :D

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