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Here it is, Luna Element v2.0. A new version a visual style some say is the best theme ever. It is based on Luna (the Windows XP default theme) and some stuff are still in original design so I don't take credit for everything in this visual style. Hope you like it though.

Extract archive to: C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\

This VS includes 6 styles:

* Default (standard thickness)

* Default Alt. Startbutton (standard thickness)

* Compact (thin style)

* Compact Alt. Startbutton (thin style)

* Royal (standard thickness)

* Royal Compact (thin style)

The theme was updated: 2005-05-08

Current version is: 2.51

Changes in v2.51

* Added Style: Compact Royal

Changes in v2.5

* New Style: Royal Element! :D

* Sligtly modified green start button

* Sligtly modified top of startmenu (default size)

Changes in v2.3

* Skinned vertical taskbar

* Optimized taskbar task distance vaules

* Grouped tasks alert bug fixed

* New hover image on active task

Changes in v2.1

* Updated shellstyle

* Made theme installer, 7-zip sfx, filesize now ~600kb smaller

Changes in v2.0:

* New color

* New Startmenu

* Remade all trackbars

* Remade progressbar

* Remade buttons

* Remade radiobuttons

* Changed to gray edges on tabs

* Changed to gray edges on checkbox

* Changed to gray edges on toolbarbuttons

* New colors on hover in menus.

* Fixed bug in quicklaunch.

There are probably more, just can't remember everything.

Download Here:

And don't forget to let me know what you think :D

Report bugs if you find any, and think it's possible to fix.


...are NOT allowed at this time. Keep 'em personal.

Other info:

The clock is modified with a program called LClock. Available here:

If you want the clock to look exactly like mine. Here is my config:

Wallpaper is called 'Undead Gardens'. Get it here.

Edited by em3
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Is there a bug w/ the progress bar? If I run something like CCleaner, the bar doesn't fill all the way up, say @ 100%. Is it just me? Also, not to beat a dead horse, but a VS this slick really should be complimented w/ a proper shellstyle in the future. I'm sure someone wouldn't mind giving it a shot. Just a thought.

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