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something is wrong with me. for some weeks now i forget what i was doing a few minutes ago, what i had just talked about, or why i'm infront of the fridge.

a lot of times i'll be driving, and for example i'll be talking about how trees grow and i'll be interrupted by my cell going off, and one minuate later, i completely forget what i was talking about, i can recall every single detail up to the very begining of my last thoughts before i was interrupted.

and other times, i'll be in the kitchen getting a drink and i'll say to myself, go to the laundry room and put the clothes in the dryer.. i'll walk to the laundry room, but forget why i'm there. i'll stand there for 2 mintues trying to figure out what the hell i'm doing there, i know i'm supposed to be there and do something, but i don't remember what. :wacko:

i'll eventually remember what i had forgotten in a few minutes to an hour, i do this more and more every week.

i don't do drugs.. my diet is the same, but i have stopped taking my vitamins.

anyone ever been through this before? i hate it when it happens.

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It happends to me aswell i hate it when i forget stuff. I think it is the drugs that do it. It get annoying when i forget because it is just the little things that mean big things like bob rang from the phone company he wants to talk to you can you ring him. Stuff like that it is stink :(

According to my pyschology course this year, the short term memory only lasts about 18 seconds anyways. It is thought that rehearsel transfers the thought into the long term memory. So with things like the laundry situation, rehearsing it a couple of times in your head should sort that out.

With the interuption thing, I really don't know. I guess it just means you have a VERY short, short term memory, as in only a couple of seconds. That's my 2 cents on this, and I think everyone forgets why they entered a room sometimes every now and then!

  Vice King said:
something is wrong with me. for some weeks now i forget what i was doing a few minutes ago, what i had just talked about, or why i'm infront of the fridge.

a lot of times i'll be driving, and for example i'll be talking about how trees grow and i'll be interrupted by my cell going off, and one minuate later, i completely forget what i was talking about, i can recall every single detail up to the very begining of my last thoughts before i was interrupted.


Happens to me aswell.

  Vice King said:
i don't do drugs.. my diet is the same, but i have stopped taking my vitamins.



heya im havin the same problems... i didnt hav such bad memory a few months ago and just lately its got real bad, all my friends are noticing it. i dont do drugs and my diet hasnt changed significantly i dont think, also i find i have a lot less hedaches lately... duno if thats related. I dont know what it is but my gcse exams are soon and there are worries of loosing a gf... i kno im a sentimental idiot lol but the memory loss is starting to really annoy me! please help!

I used to race motorbikes, I had quite a big accident where I hit my head very hard. For the next few months after that, my short term memory was very bad. I would tell someone something three times in a couple of minuets. I would forget things instantly. It did slowly get better but I never saw a doctor or anything about it. I still can't remember names (but I never could before) of people I meet and I still often forget small things such as where I left my keys and phone.

I would say go and see someone about it. Can't hurt.

I have a similar problem - I can remember peoples names and all but when i talk to people, especially my girlfriend, I occasionaly repeat things without realising. I think its just my mind doesnt keep track of whats being said, so i usually end up annoying people, and being called dumb heh. d'oh.. :unsure:

I have the same short term memory problemo, sometimes i forget if i eat. And yea sometimes i go do somthing and i completely forget what i was about to do, then i would walk back where i was before and suddenly i would rember. I dont know but i think its something passed down in peoples genetics from the memory loss people way back generation.

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